Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive

The most valuable tool at the center of work-life harmony is OneDrive.

Unlink personally and enjoy life… but still have access to your files anytime you need them.

What is Microsoft OneDrive?

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud file storage tool. It easily creates backups that are accessible on any computer, tablet, or phone. By saving your vital files on the cloud, in case of a loss of local data due to fire, theft, intrusive third parties, or damage, you can still access the data backup stored on OneDrive. 
The most significant benefit of OneDrive is convenience! Unlink personally and enjoy life, but still have access to your files anytime you need them.

In addition to its file storage functions, OneDrive also supports file synchronization across multiple devices. For instance, OneDrive makes it possible to take a picture using your smartphone, access it using your tablet for touchup edits, and use your laptop to post the photo online. OneDrive allows you to rapidly and continuously share files with colleagues to allow all of you to work on the same project. As a user of OneDrive, in most cases, you will also be able to view previous versions of your files.

All you need to access OneDrive is a Microsoft account. OneDrive gives you access to up to 5GB of free storage, which can be increased through paid plans. Setting up a Microsoft account is straightforward. You can then drag and drop files and folders from your browser or desktop to your OneDrive for storage. 

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Microsoft OneDrive

The most valuable tool at the center of work-life harmony is OneDrive.

Unlink personally and enjoy life… but still have access to your files anytime you need them.

Microsoft OneDrive

The most valuable tool at the center of work-life harmony is OneDrive.

Unlink personally and enjoy life… but still have access to your files anytime you need them.

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What is Microsoft OneDrive?

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud file storage tool. It easily creates backups that are accessible on any computers, tablets, and phones. By saving your vital files on the cloud, in case of a loss of local data due to fire, theft, intrusive third parties, or damage, you can still access the data backup stored on OneDrive. 
The most significant benefit of OneDrive is convenience! Unlink personally and enjoy life… but still, have access to your files anytime you need them.

In addition to its file storage functions, OneDrive also supports file synchronization across multiple devices. For instance, OneDrive makes it possible to take a picture using your smartphone, access it using your tablet for touchup edits, and use your laptop to post the photo online. OneDrive allows you to rapidly and continuously share files with colleagues to allow all of you to work on the same project. As a user of OneDrive, in most cases, you will also be able to view previous versions of your files.

All you need to access OneDrive is a Microsoft account. OneDrive gives you access to up to 5GB of free storage, which can be increased through paid plans. Setting up a Microsoft account is straightforward. You can then drag and drop files and folders from your browser or desktop to your OneDrive for storage. 

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OneDrive Setup:

Sign up & Sign in to OneDrive.

In Windows 10, OneDrive comes preinstalled, which means that the end-user does not have to install anything. The best part is, if you have already signed into Windows using your Microsoft account, you'll automatically be signed in to OneDrive. It might be taxing to sync OneDrive data across to other cloud service providers such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Here are the One-Drive setup steps you'll need to follow:

  • On idle Windows 10, hover your mouse on the right end of the taskbar towards the notification area.
  • Click the 'Show Hidden Icons' arrow, which allows you to view an extended notification area. Click on the cloud icon to start up One Drive.
  • OneDrive will invite you to sign up if you aren't signed up yet.
  • Follow the screen prompts to complete the sign-up and setup process.
  • For registered users, a window will pop up showing recently synced files.

OneDrive Sync: Selecting Which Folders to Sync.

For signed-in OneDrive users, you can select which folders you'd like to get synced.

To do this, follow the following steps:

  • In the extended notification area, right-click on the OneDrive cloud icon.
  • From the Account tab, select Settings.
  • Click Choose Folders and select the OneDrive folders on your PC that you want to get synced.
  • From the File Explorer sidebar, select OneDrive, and it will display all the folders that the user has chosen to sync. The files in these folders can be accessed at any time, even when you are offline. Deleting a file from OneDrive in the Explorer will allow these changes to be synced and delete the file permanently.

OneDrive Backup: Backing up Local Files to OneDrive.

  • You can set files in the Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders of your Windows 10 computer to be automatically backed up to the cloud. 
    To do so, follow these simple steps:
  •  From the expanded view of the notification area, right-click on the OneDrive cloud icon
  • Click Settings
  • Select the Backup tab
  •  You may opt to: Select the checkboxes under Photos and Videos and Screenshots sections to allow OneDrive to automatically sync photos, videos, and screenshots to OneDrive whenever a camera, phone, or any other device is connected to OneDrive.
  • Click Manage Backup'
  • Using the options that pop up, select the folders that you want to back up into.
  • In File Explorer, to back up any file or folder, you have to drag and drop them into OneDrive. They'll be synced provided you have enough space left in your OneDrive, and you have an internet connection.

How to use OneDrive for Business: Sharing Files from OneDrive.

One of the features that make OneDrive such an important tool for businesses with remote workers is its file-sharing function. 

Here is how to set up file sharing to allow your remote workforce to share project files efficiently.

  •  In File Explorer, right-click on the file you want to share and click on the Share option with a blue cloud icon beside it.
  •  Editing is allowed by default. To turn off editing permissions, select the "Anyone with the link can edit" option to bring up the edit permissions you have.
  • Uncheck the 'Allow editing' option and select Apply.
  •  Type in the email address of the file recipient.

OneDrive Not Syncing: Fixing OneDrive Sync Issues.

Are you having problems with your OneDrive not syncing your vital files from your computer? 
Try these steps to fix the OneDrive sync issues:

  • Launch OneDrive manually by typing OneDrive in the Windows Start search box.
  • Check to ensure that the file you are attempting to sync is not larger than the current limit of the OneDrive account.
  • Update Windows and OneDrive to the latest versions. 

At Fluent Decisions, we offer custom consultancy plans to help you reach your goals. If you'd like professional help in troubleshooting Microsoft OneDrive issues, we can help.

To gain the most benefit from OneDrive, the setup should be customized to your business's unique needs. We will evaluate your operation to assist you with customizing OneDrive to your use.

When you choose Fluent Decisions, you get access to a dedicated and passionate team who will provide you with pro-active technical consultations so that OneDrive can be of the most value for you. 

Let’s Sort out OneDrive! 

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